Drill to Detail Ep.60 'A Deeper Look Into Looker' With Special Guest Lloyd Tabb

The Drill to Detail Podcast returns for a new series with our host, Mark Rittman, joined by Lloyd Tabb, Founder CTO and Chairman of Looker to talk about the foundational story of Looker and LookML, query latency and semantic models, analytic engines and code IDEs, analytics developer workflows and the rise of cloud elastically-scalable databases, packaged applications and embedded analytics and why learning (and loving) are the long-term keys to analytics and business success.

Drill to Detail Ep.59 'Looker, dbt and Digital Analytics Today' With Special Guests Tristan Handy and Stewart Bryson

Mark Rittman is joined in this Looker JOIN 2018 Special by long-term friends of the show Tristan Handy from Fishtown Analytics, and Stewart Bryson from Red Pill Analytics to talk about dbt and enabling data engineering for data analysts; the state of modern data analytics consulting today, and what we’re looking forward to hearing about at next week’s Looker JOIN 2018 conference in San Francisco, CA.

Drill to Detail Ep.58 'Candy Crush Saga, Analytics and Mobile Gaming' With Special Guest Jonathan Palmer

Mark Rittman is joined in this episode by Jonathan Palmer from King Games to talk about the role of analytics in the development of Candy Crush Saga and other King games, their use of Looker along with Google BigQuery and Exasol to provide analytics capabilities to their game designers and product owners and his approach to doing all of this in a fast-moving, technology-driven internet business.

Drill to Detail Ep.57 'WhereScape Red and Data Warehouse Automation' With Special Guest Neil Barton

Mark Rittman is joined by Neil Barton, Chief Technology Officer at WhereScape to talk about metadata-driven data warehouse design, automating the build and management of data warehouse infrastructure and the thinking behind his company's WhereScape Red and Wherescape 3D tools.

Drill to Detail Ep.55 'Snowplow, Data Pipelines and Event-Level Digital Analytics' with Special Guest Yali Sassoon

Mark Rittman is joined by Yali Sassoon from Snowplow to talk about data pipelines and Hadoop in the cloud; how web analytics evolved from counting pageviews to today's event-level analysis of consumer behavoir across all digital channels; why digital analytics is hard but interesting; and Snowplow's approach to building a successful hybrid open-source/commercial software business that competes successfully with megavendors such as Google and Adobe.

Drill to Detail Ep.53 'ThoughtSpot, Search and AI-Powered BI' With Special Guest Doug Bordonaro

Mark Rittman is joined by ThoughtSpot's Chief Data Evangelist Doug Bordonaro to talk about the value of data, issues around trust and consent raised by the EU's new GDPR regulations, and how ThoughtSpot are applying ideas from search engines combined with artificial intelligence smarts to surface insights and drive real value for business users from their analytics investment

Drill to Detail Ep.52 'Lyft, Ride-Share Analytics and ETL Developer Productivity ' With Special Guest Mark Grover

Mark Rittman is joined by returning Special Guest Mark Grover to talk about his move from Cloudera and product engineering to a product manager role at Lyft; analytics use-cases in the ride-sharing industry; and the move from conversations about ETL tools, technology and engines to templates, paradigms and developer productivity.

Drill to Detail Ep.51 'Druid, Imply and OLAP Analysis on Event-Level Datasets' With Special Guest Fangjin Yang

Mark Rittman is joined by Special Guest Fangjin Yang to talk about the history of Druid, a high-performance, column-oriented, distributed data store originally developed by the team at Metamarkets to provide fast ad-hoc access to large amounts of event-level marketing data, and his work at Imply to commercialise Druid and build a suite of supporting query and data management tools.