Drill to Detail Ep.76 'Segment, Ecosystems and Customer Data Platforms' with Special Guest Calvin French-Owen

Mark Rittman is joined in the final Drill to Detail Podcast episode of the year by Calvin French-Owen, co-founder and CTO at Segment to talk about Segment's founding story, partner ecosystems and their new customer data platform service, Segment Personas.

Drill to Detail Ep.75 'Bootstrapping an Early-Stage SaaS Analytics Consultancy' with Special Guest Olivier Dupuis

Mark Rittman is joined in this specially-extended episode of Drill to Detail by Olivier Dupuis, founder of Lantrn Analytics to share his experiences growing a product analytics consulting business using today’s modern, modular SaaS analytics tools

Drill to Detail Ep.74 'Accelerating Oracle from Express to Analytic Views' with Special Guest Bud Endress

Mark Rittman is joined in this episode by Bud Endress, Director, Product Management at Oracle to talk about the evolution of Oracle's query acceleration and in-database OLAP features from the acquisition Express Server back in the 90's to today's Autonomous Data Warehouse and Analytic Views.

Drill to Detail Ep.72 'Conversion Rate Optimization and Other CRAP' with Special Guest Bhav Patel

In this final Drill to Detail Episode before we take a break for the summer, Mark Rittman is joined by Bhav Patel, founder of the London Conversion Rate, Optimization and Product Analytics Meetup to talk about Conversion Rate Optimization, Experimentation and A/B Testing, Customer vs. Product Analytics, Attribution and Personalization ... and the story behind the CRAP Meetups.

Drill to Detail Ep.71 'The Rise of Snowflake Data Warehouse' With Special Guest Kent Graziano

Mark Rittman is joined in this episode of Drill to Detail by returning guest Kent Graziano, Chief Technical Evangelist for Snowflake, to talk about Snowflake Data Warehouse's cloud-first architecture and recent product announcements at Snowflake Summit 2019.

Drill to Detail Ep.70 'Oracle Analytics, Luke Skywalker and the Remarkable Return of Enterprise Analytics' featuring Special Guest Bruno Aziza

Mark Rittman is joined by Bruno Aziza, Group Vice President, AI, Data Analytics & Cloud at Oracle to talk about the recently-updated product roadmap for Oracle Analytics, Oracle BI in the marketplace, recent acquisitions in the analytics marketplace and the recent Oracle Analytics Summit at Skywalker Ranch, California.

Drill to Detail Ep.69 'Looker, Tableau and Consolidation in the BI Industry' featuring Special Guests Tristan Handy and Stewart Bryson

Mark Rittman, Founder and CEO of Rittman Analytics is joined in this special episode of Drill to Detail by returning guests Tristan Handy, Founder and CEO of Fishtown Analytics and Stewart Bryson, Founder and CEO of Red Pill Analytics to talk about the recent acquisitions of Looker by Google Cloud Platform and Tableau by Salesforce, the wider story about consolidation in the BI industry and whether the trend in analytics tools is towards enterprise features … or open source?

Drill to Detail Ep.68 ‘Confluent, Event-First Thinking and Streaming Real-Time Analytics’ With Special Guests Robin Moffatt and Ricardo Ferreira and Special Host Stewart Bryson

In this special edition of the Drill to Detail Podcast hosted by Stewart Bryson, CEO and Co-Founder of Red Pill Analytics, he is joined by Robin Moffatt and Ricardo Ferreira, Developer Advocates at Confluent, to talk about Apache Kafka and Confluent, event-first thinking and streaming real-time analytics.